Tuesday 1 May 2012

Oriental Fire Bellied Toads (Bombina Orientalis)

I really want to get some of these!
I went to an aquarium in Hull at the weekend and fell in love slightly with the frogs and toads there. I've been doing some  research  into keeping toads and these seem like good ones for first time toad keepers.
They need little or no heating, part water and part land habitats, and they're very active and sing a lot!

Just to add: here is a video to show the sounds they make: its almost a giggle! link


  1. Slightly? You were head over flappy-little-feet! They are quite sweet, what would Darwin think, will she regard them as children to be looked after?!

  2. well they cant be in the same tank as these toads are slightly toxic (you have to wash your hands carefully after touching them) so i might ask you to bring over that old fish tank from home at some point if you don't mind?
