Friday 31 August 2012

Smaug: 6 Months

Smaug's getting bigger. Hopefully in a few months he'll be big enough to join Darwin in the big tank.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Steve Harris Painting

I did this painting for my boyfriend's birthday. It's Steve Harris who is the bassist of Iron Maiden - who is a bit of a hero of his.
I also filmed myself painting it which you can see here: Link
It is done using oils and took around 3 days.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Fabric Sculptures

While searching for ways to repurpose old clothing I came across this image. It wasn't really what I was looking for but I thought it was interesting. this post explains more. I liked this one too:

Tuesday 21 August 2012


I made prawn and avocado sushi for dinner this evening. I used the chopsticks and shoyu saucer that my housemate bought for me in Hong Kong. (The patterns on them match the living room: link)


I handed in my MA yesterday so today, after setting up part of the exhibition, I came home for a rest.
I made myself this smoothie out of some fruit which was going soft.
a handful of soft raspberries
a handful of soft red grapes
a couple of soft strawberries
1 banana
enough lemonade to cover

Saturday 18 August 2012

Sunflowers Update

My sunflowers have flowered!

I planted them back in May (link) and moved them outside in early July (I think)
I'm not sure if they were supposed to grow taller - they are about my height - because the weather has been weird, but I quite like them at this height because now I can see them better.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Strange Shoes

I was looking at shoes online and found these inward curving heels which I thought were very strange and looked impossible to walk in!
I did a quick image search for strange shoes and discovered these curiosities:

Some are a bit gimmicky (the dogs and bananas) but some are quite interesting!