Saturday 28 July 2012


I got given some chili seeds when I went to the Mexican restaurant Wahaca back in April (Link) and they have now produced the start of their first chilies! I'm not sure how big to expect them to get so I'll wait and see!

My tomato plants have also got their first flowers so hopefully I'll have tomatoes before long too! I've decided to keep them indoors to avoid slugs. I got a variety which only grow to about 60cm tall.

Sunday 8 July 2012


We had a barbecue yesterday which we made so much food for!
I was especially pleased with my frog fruit salad...
...and the flowers I picked from my garden.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Gardening Again

I did another day of gardening today. (With a lot of help from my mum!)
Here's a general picture of the back garden (it was sunnier than the last time i took a picture) I like laura's idea of painting the fence a bright colour - maybe a pale purple/blue to go with the pink flowers.
I decided to dig out all the grass on the left side of the path at the front and fill it with leveled flowerbeds instead as the mower can't get in there easily. I used reclaimed tiles to separate the levels.
My mum built a stand to stop my poppies from falling over. They're so big and heavy that tying them to a bamboo wasn't enough!

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Bottle Glasses

I've seen these in a lot of places and have always wanted to get some but today I found a tutorial on how to make them. It seems like you only need one tool which is relatively inexpensive (which I've added to my amazon wishlist :p) and sandpaper and hot and cold water.
These ones look lovely and I'm always tempted to buy beers with interesting bottles just to try them, so this would be a good excuse!

Smaug Growing

My little axolotl Smaug who I bought last month is settling in well and growing really quickly! When I bought him he was 8cm long and now, a month later he is 12cm long!
He's hard to photograph because of where I have him in the room but here are a few tries.